
Showing posts from March, 2015

What is robust design?

Module III Product Quality Improvement Lecture – 4 What is robust design? Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a mechanical engineer, who has won four times Deming Awards, introduced the loss function concept, which combines cost, target, and variation into one metric. He developed the concept of robustness in design, which means that noise variables (or nuisance variables or variables which are uneconomical to control) are taken into account to ensure proper functioning of the system functions. He emphasized on developing design in presence of noise rather than eliminating noise. Loss Function Taguchi defined quality as a loss imparted to society from the time a product is shipped to customer. Societal losses include failure to meet customer requirements, failure to meet ideal performance, and its harmful side effects. Assuming the target [tau (รด )] is correct, losses are those caused by a product's critical performance characteristics, if it deviates from the target.The importance of concen...

How six sigma philosophy is aligned with product quality improvement?

Module III Product Quality Improvement Lecture 5 - How six sigma philosophy is aligned with product quality improvement? In 2000, M. Harry and R. Schroeder published ‘ Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporations ’. Since that time, there has been considerable interest in this subject. In this book, the authors devoted much space to a review of the concept. In the Six Sigma world, the Quality Planning Process is referred to as Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). DFSS is focused on creating new or modified product designs that are capable of significantly higher levels of performance (using Six Sigma Methodology). They emphasized on a Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify (DMADV) sequence of quality planning and design methodology that can be used for product or service desing. The DFSS matrix is a tool which captures the important quality planning information that allows a six sigma team to record the vital planning information and deliver ...

Product Quality Improvement Lecture 3-What is Design FMEA?

Module III Product Quality Improvement Lecture 3-What is Design FMEA? Continually measuring the reliability of a product is an essential part of Quality. When creating a new product, or even modifying an existing product, it is always necessary to improve the reliability of the product. One of the most powerful methods available for improving the reliability of product is design FMEA. FMEA is an approach that combines the technology and experience of people in identifying foreseeable failure modes of a product and planning for its elimination. FMEA attempts to detect the potential product-related failure modes. The approach is used to anticipate causes of failure and prevent them from happening. It is like eliminating/preventing potential causes of failure in a cause and effect diagram. This method can be implemented in both the product design and process design and involves effect on both internal and the external customer. FMEA uses an occurrence and detection probability criteria ...

What are component and system reliability and how it can be improved?

Module III Product Quality Improvement L ec t ure – 2 What are component and system reliability and how it can be improved? Reliability is a measure of the quality of the product over the long run. The concept of reliability is an extended time period over which the expected operation of the product is considered and we expect the product will function according to certain expectations over a stipulated period of time. With the customer and warranty costs in mind, we must know the chances of successful operation of the product for at least a certain stipulated period of time. Such information helps the manufacturer to select the parameters of a warranty policy. Technically, reliability is the p r obability of a product performing its intended function for a s tated period of time under ce r tain specified conditions . Four aspects of reliability are apparent from this definition first, reliability is a probability of success-related concept; the numerical value of this probability i...

How QFD helps in product quality improvement?

Module III Product Quality Improvement L ec t ure – 1 How QFD helps in product quality improvement? Quality Function Deployment (QFD) or the house of quality is the foundation to link the voice of the customers with technical design requirements of a product. In other words, abstract specifications required by the targeted customers are translated into specific product technical requirements. Say in summer, customer needs a room to be cool and comfortable. However, how much cool gives comfort to him/her is not specified. Take another situation, in which, a customer wants hot coffee. Hot coffee is one of the ‘voice of the customer (VOC)’ [or ‘critical-to-quality (CTQ) characteristic’] that the customer demands. He /She may not specify the temperature, but the shopkeeper needs to identify best possible temperature setting for the coffeemaker machine. The best setting will also differ according to weather conditions/ seasons. In order to translate a VOC (say, comfort temperature range f...